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Contact vCard

P +39 02 655 501 4

Piazza Sigmund Freud 1, GARIBALDI COMPLEX, Torre 2, Piano 22
20154 Milan

For security reasons we give you the possibility to communicate with Arianna Bartolini in an encrypted form by e-mail.

Arianna Bartolini

Master of Science (Laurea) in Chemistry
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Italian Patent Attorney European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative


Languages: Italian, English


Examination and opposition proceedings before the European Patent Office and the Italian Patent and Trade Mark Office. Technical expertise especially in the fields of organic and medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, and materials chemistry.

Professional memberships

Italian IP Attorney Association – Patent section


Studied Chemistry at the University of Florence. Period abroad for Master’s thesis at Henkel AG & Co KGaA, Germany, in the field of polymer chemistry.

Ph.D. in Chemistry at the University of Florence, in collaboration with Procter & Gamble, in the field of soft matter, polymer chemistry, nano- and microencapsulation. Multiple patents and research publications.

With HOFFMANN EITLE since 2018. Italian Patent Attorney since 2021.

European Patent Attorney since 2022.